Monday, March 2, 2009
Our New Girls
Here are our three new chicks working on their tans under their sunlight:
And here Ethan shows off one of the girls:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It's Official! We're Chicken Owners.
This afternoon Ethan and I drove out to Dunlap Hatchery in Caldwell where we picked up a trio of Rhode Island Red Pullets (baby hens).

They're in their brooder in the house for now but I'll certainly have to get on that chicken coop soon now.

They're in their brooder in the house for now but I'll certainly have to get on that chicken coop soon now.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Six Six (6)
I got tagged with a six.
This is how it works: go to the pictures folder on your computer, go to the sixth folder, go to the sixth picture, post it, then tag 6 people.

This is Ethan at (appropriately) six days.
I'm not sure anybody reads this blog so it's hardly worth tagging anybody (and those who may read it already got tagged).
This is how it works: go to the pictures folder on your computer, go to the sixth folder, go to the sixth picture, post it, then tag 6 people.

This is Ethan at (appropriately) six days.
I'm not sure anybody reads this blog so it's hardly worth tagging anybody (and those who may read it already got tagged).
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It's hard to believe how fast the kids are growing up... BigE's in Kindergarten already!
On his first day in front of the Alphabet Tree
Chris and I have both been in to "help" for a day. We were quite impressed with his teacher, Mrs. G and her ability to maintain control of twenty five-year-olds.
Mrs. G putting a nametag on my Big Boy
BigE really seems to enjoy Kindergarten and he's making friends there.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tomato as a Highlight of the Week
ain't nothin' better than a home-grown tomato
other highlights:
- visiting the visiting sisters
- mom's chicken-n-potatoes
- watching Olympics
- peaches off the tree (sadly, they're all gone now)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday
Monday, June 16, 2008
A Happy Father's Day
My wife and kids made sure that I had a great Father's Day.
I started the day with a treasure hunt. The kids had hidden some treasures around the house with clues directing me from one to the next. I found a pink and a blue baseball mit (so we can all play catch together now), a box of chocolates from Lee's (my favorite candy shop), a book about fatherhood from the author of, a copy of The Simpson's Movie, some grill accessories, and a long-time family favorite, the game: Facts in Five.
We went to breakfast at Merritt's Cafe where I enjoyed a delicious deep-fried scone.
We spent most of the afternoon at Discovery Center of Idaho.
We wrapped up the day by spending the evening with my Dad.
I started the day with a treasure hunt. The kids had hidden some treasures around the house with clues directing me from one to the next. I found a pink and a blue baseball mit (so we can all play catch together now), a box of chocolates from Lee's (my favorite candy shop), a book about fatherhood from the author of, a copy of The Simpson's Movie, some grill accessories, and a long-time family favorite, the game: Facts in Five.
We went to breakfast at Merritt's Cafe where I enjoyed a delicious deep-fried scone.
We spent most of the afternoon at Discovery Center of Idaho.
We wrapped up the day by spending the evening with my Dad.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby Brother
Twenty-some-odd years ago on this day I sat motherless at a mother-n-sons Flag Day event while my baby brother was born. Maybe I'll forgive him next year ;)
BROTHER ! ! ! ! !
BROTHER ! ! ! ! !
Sunday, June 8, 2008
And Then Came the Party
Last week we had the birthday...
This week we had the party!!!
This week we had the party!!!
We had originally planned on being out of town last weekend so we planned Big E's birthday party for this weekend. His daycare sends him down to gymnastics once a week and he always loves it. We noticed a while ago that they host birthday parties there so we decided that it'd be a great place for kids to have fun.
They swung from the ropes...
And jumped in the foam pits...

We were going to continue the Harry Potter theme from the week before with a Nimbus 2000 or a Firebolt cake but E had already picked out Dinosaur plates and stuff. We convinced him that a volcano cake would fit in with the prehistoric theme a little better (of course I was just trying to work in a bowl cake). He was a bit skeptical until he saw the smoke and lavaWe ate sandwiches for lunch then got on with the festivities. The Birthday Boy blew out the candles...
Then opened some gifts...
... before calling it a day.
Having the party hosted by Gem State Gymnastics made it easy and stress-free for us and fun for the kids.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Fiona's First Haircut
This evening we took My Sweet Girl out for her first haircut.
Fiona will turn three in a few weeks and she's never had her beautiful blonde hair cut so we figured that it was about time for a trim.
Fiona will turn three in a few weeks and she's never had her beautiful blonde hair cut so we figured that it was about time for a trim.
Perhaps I'll have her to wear her hair down more now.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Happy 5th BigE
Happy Birthday Hijo
Five years old
Big E was very excited when he woke up: I'm five, I'm five, I'm five!
He wanted blueberry muffins for breakfast so we started the morning with Costco muffins... mmmm.
He'd been promised a new pet from Build-a-Bear so we headed to the mall where he picked out a new puppy. He named his puppy Mr. Scruffy Daddy. I'm not sure where the name came from but I like it.
We continued on the tradition from last year of lunching at Red Robin. Last year he was very upset when the staff came out singing. This year he could not wait for the song and dance routine. He kept whispering to me: "are they coming out to sing yet?"
In the evening we had all the local family over for dinner (mmm, chicken pot pie) and cake.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sun Sets on Sunset Bowl
I'm a bit saddened to see that Sunset Bowl has closed.
I'm not a bowler and I only went to Sunset Bowl a few times but having thrown our wedding party there created some nostalgia for the place.
Just recently BigE was talking about our upcoming trip to Seattle. We had discussed visiting Sunset Bowl to show the kids where we had our wedding party. Perhaps we'll visit Green Lake and stop by the park bench near where we got married instead.

Maybe I can trick somebody into swinging by the auction on April 22 to pick me up a pin.
Monday, November 19, 2007
BiRThdAy ShoUToUt to ThE B.I.L.
Big Birthday Wishes from this Boise Family to the Bro-In-Law.
May this year be happier than most.
And congratulatory statements regarding the new work duties too!
May this year be happier than most.
And congratulatory statements regarding the new work duties too!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Something Old is New Again
Today my old job became my new job.
Since mid 1999 (with a few months off here and there) I've worked as a contractor at a large software company. Today I started working at that same software company as a Full Time Employee. In most ways the actual work part of my job changes very little.
I'm pretty excited about the new gig... the work is intellectually challenging, the benefits are unrivaled, the co-workers are swell, and there is a keg-a-rator just steps from my desk!
Since mid 1999 (with a few months off here and there) I've worked as a contractor at a large software company. Today I started working at that same software company as a Full Time Employee. In most ways the actual work part of my job changes very little.
I'm pretty excited about the new gig... the work is intellectually challenging, the benefits are unrivaled, the co-workers are swell, and there is a keg-a-rator just steps from my desk!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Wife
I enjoy getting creative with birthday cakes. I loved making E's castle and I was really happy with the way that Raggedy Ann turned out this year.
On Chris' birthday I get to do nothing. Chris is all about the Costco cake. For Chris it's all about the frosting. At least the Costco cake tastes good.

Per tradition, we had cake for breakfast. Late in the morning we all went to the theater to see Ratatouille. BigE liked it most of it but my baby girl got bored about half way through. After the movie we headed over to Pronto Pup for a fancy lunch. In the evening we went over to Grammy and Pop's house for dinner and more cake.
Happy Birthday Wife. I love you!
On Chris' birthday I get to do nothing. Chris is all about the Costco cake. For Chris it's all about the frosting. At least the Costco cake tastes good.
Per tradition, we had cake for breakfast. Late in the morning we all went to the theater to see Ratatouille. BigE liked it most of it but my baby girl got bored about half way through. After the movie we headed over to Pronto Pup for a fancy lunch. In the evening we went over to Grammy and Pop's house for dinner and more cake.
Happy Birthday Wife. I love you!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
And Today Makes One
One year ago today we left our home of many years in Seattle and moved to Boise.

We bought the house I grew up in from my parents when they move a few miles West.

The neighborhood is nice and the neighbors are fantastic. We like to be near Grammy and Pops and closer to Gram and Papa. There are things I miss about Seattle but overall I'm very happy to be back in Boise.

We bought the house I grew up in from my parents when they move a few miles West.
The neighborhood is nice and the neighbors are fantastic. We like to be near Grammy and Pops and closer to Gram and Papa. There are things I miss about Seattle but overall I'm very happy to be back in Boise.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Camping At Bull Trout Lake
This weekend we hit the hills for a short camping trip at Bull Trout Lake.

We hadn't camped with both kids before so we made this trip short. We had our tent up by about five Saturday evening and we were packed up by noon Sunday.

After getting settled in Big E and I headed over to the lake with our fishing poles. We got skunked but we had fun.
Due to the high fire danger campfires are not allowed right now so tin foil dinners were, unfortunately, off the menu. Instead we grilled up hamburgers and hot dogs and heated baked beans. I can't complain about not smelling like a campfire.
After dinner we went for a walk and then headed back to the camp stove for some s'mores.
We were in the tent ready to sleep by ten. Then kids were asleep within minutes but Chris and I were awake on and off all night listening to an infant cry in a nearby campsite.
We woke up with the sun on Sunday but stayed in the tent waiting for the temperature to come up from about 33 degrees.

We tried our luck again with the fishing lines first thing Sunday morning but came up empty again. Chris had packed up plenty of bacon, eggs and potatoes so we didn't go hungry without the fishies.
Everybody had enough fun that we're willing to go again.

We hadn't camped with both kids before so we made this trip short. We had our tent up by about five Saturday evening and we were packed up by noon Sunday.
After getting settled in Big E and I headed over to the lake with our fishing poles. We got skunked but we had fun.
Due to the high fire danger campfires are not allowed right now so tin foil dinners were, unfortunately, off the menu. Instead we grilled up hamburgers and hot dogs and heated baked beans. I can't complain about not smelling like a campfire.
After dinner we went for a walk and then headed back to the camp stove for some s'mores.
We were in the tent ready to sleep by ten. Then kids were asleep within minutes but Chris and I were awake on and off all night listening to an infant cry in a nearby campsite.
We woke up with the sun on Sunday but stayed in the tent waiting for the temperature to come up from about 33 degrees.
We tried our luck again with the fishing lines first thing Sunday morning but came up empty again. Chris had packed up plenty of bacon, eggs and potatoes so we didn't go hungry without the fishies.
Everybody had enough fun that we're willing to go again.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Windy City

It's a nerd's paradise but it'd be great with the kids too.
I was most impressed by the German U-505 Submarine displayed there.

We started Saturday morning by riding the 'L' around the loop three times on an architectural tour. In the afternoon we caught a matinee of Wicked, a very entertianing musical telling the untold story of the witches of Oz. After the show we walked over to the Sears Tower where we rode the elevator 1,353 feet above the city for a fantastic view of Chicago (and beyond).
Sunday, July 8, 2007
First Harvest
Friday, July 6, 2007
Another Birthday Shout Out
Happy Birthday to the older brother today! No matter how old I get he'll always be older... and wiser.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
My Baby Turns Two
Monday, June 25, 2007
the Man
Friday, June 22, 2007
and the livin' is easy
Summer arrived with a high of 96 degrees.
We picnicked in the park and cooled off with popsicles as we celebrated the arrival of our first Boise summer. Back at home we ate warm ripe raspberries right off the bush. We wrapped up the evening by weeding the garden... a necessary evil.
I'm amazed at the size of our tomato and potato plants. We should have ripe cherry tomatoes by next week. Few things warm the heart like home-grown tomatoes!
We picnicked in the park and cooled off with popsicles as we celebrated the arrival of our first Boise summer. Back at home we ate warm ripe raspberries right off the bush. We wrapped up the evening by weeding the garden... a necessary evil.
I'm amazed at the size of our tomato and potato plants. We should have ripe cherry tomatoes by next week. Few things warm the heart like home-grown tomatoes!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
New Member of the Family
Over the weekend we had a new arrival at our home. Gram and Papa brought up a new black kitten from a neighboring farm.

I'd told Ethan that we had a black cat named Blackie when I was growing up so when he saw that this new kitty was jet-black he wanted to name her Blackie too.
She's adapted well to her new house and the kids love playing with her.
I'd told Ethan that we had a black cat named Blackie when I was growing up so when he saw that this new kitty was jet-black he wanted to name her Blackie too.
She's adapted well to her new house and the kids love playing with her.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Every Kid Does It at Some Point
Monday, June 11, 2007
Spanish Immersion
Last week Ethan finished up a year of Spanish Immersion pre-school at Puentes. On the last day they put on a program for the parents:

Then they whacked a pinata:

You should have seen the look on Ethan's face when he got swung at that pinata. He was determined to get at the goodies!
Ethan really enjoyed this school and it was amazing to see him learning Spanish.
Then they whacked a pinata:
You should have seen the look on Ethan's face when he got swung at that pinata. He was determined to get at the goodies!
Ethan really enjoyed this school and it was amazing to see him learning Spanish.
Friday, June 8, 2007
A Mother's Day Bouquet
Thursday, June 7, 2007
What they Don't tell you
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Happy 4th BigE
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