Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Official! We're Chicken Owners.

This afternoon Ethan and I drove out to Dunlap Hatchery in Caldwell where we picked up a trio of Rhode Island Red Pullets (baby hens).

They're in their brooder in the house for now but I'll certainly have to get on that chicken coop soon now.


annzy said...

Those are very pretty birds ~I can't wait to enjoy the eggs...

Lucy van Pelt said...

You need to post pics of your real birds. I want to see! Will you get a rooster too, like Deverall's had?

Gage said...

Please, for the sake of the neighbors, do not get a rooster.

Orange said...

Ah, something I've tried to convince Rager we need but somehow never can.

Have fun with them!

jason said...

The city won't let me have a roo. And I don't really want one anyhow. I want eggs... not a noisemaker.