Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And Today Makes One

One year ago today we left our home of many years in Seattle and moved to Boise.

We bought the house I grew up in from my parents when they move a few miles West.

The neighborhood is nice and the neighbors are fantastic. We like to be near Grammy and Pops and closer to Gram and Papa. There are things I miss about Seattle but overall I'm very happy to be back in Boise.


annzy said...

Yeah Boise ~and the house looks great in that photo. I just wish I was there.

Lucy van Pelt said...

I'm happy that you're happy in Boise, but we still miss you very much in Seattle.

Colin R. said...

Mumble grumble Seattle exodus grumble mumble oh, hey, happy B-day, enjoy your thirties while they last.